For all additional questions, please contact our technical department or customer care for assistance.
Technical department
continuing education program
The Continuing Education System of the American Institute of Architects requires members to earn 18 learning unit hours and 6 hours of health, safety, and welfare each year.
Parex USA strives to provide highly educational materials and opportunities. Our seminars are available to you personally through box lunch presentation or can be taken online.

become a distributor or medallion applicator
Would you like to become a distributor or a Medallion applicator? Click for more information and find out how!
View our warranty terms and conditions.
Join the academy
Parex USA Academy offers educational videos that show the best application techniques for Parex USA products and industry standards. They have been specifically designed for contractors, architects, designers, and specifiers.
tech bulletin
Technical documents to provide expanded explanation and clarification around key technical issues as they relates to systems, assemblies, and products
evaluation reports & testing
Click here to find national and local testing information for systems, assemblies, and products
LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality.